Friday, October 10, 2008

Witnessing to the feminist baby boomer

Step 3: Draw the conclusions

Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.

--John 17:17

During my personal journey to Jesus Christ, I found myself amassing an amazing amount of scientific, historical and prophetic evidence pointing to the Bible’s accuracy. But I was so busy looking at the details that it took me ages to sit back and survey the big picture.

Which is too bad, because once I did, I came to the most stunning conclusions of my life – to wit:
  • The Bible is true from first word to last.
  • It is the word of the God who created the entire universe and everything in it, and He was perfectly capable of giving us a “life manual” that was, at least in its original manuscripts, entirely accurate. Infallible, in fact.
  • I can trust what He said about Himself, about us, and about where we came from, what we’re doing here and where we’re going.

I might have come to these conclusions weeks or even months earlier had someone presented me these claims as something to challenge or prove. So I suggest sharing them with anyone we’re witnessing to – especially if it’s a feminist baby boomer who has been well-schooled to believe the opposite.

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